How we show we make a difference
Making a difference to the community
Results of an independent impact survey (ChangeCheck) from 2013 found that Oblong was making a noticeable difference locally in the following areas:
- Education and lifelong learning.
- Culture and leisure.
- Community unity and involvement.
- Health and social wellbeing.
- Environment.
Making a difference to individuals
Oblong is strongly committed to improving the lives of the people who use Woodhouse Community Centre. All volunteers are given an induction to help them get to know their role and how Oblong works.
The Forward Plan
Looking to the future, Oblong also aims to:
- Include work with youth and young people.
- Strengthen communications with local community.
- Work on improving Oblong’s marketing.
- Continue to measure Oblong’s impact on individuals and the community.
- Place stronger emphasis on health and wellbeing.
- Strengthen emphasis on community development and small groups.
- Work on getting more people involved through user groups and community forums. to encourage people’s feelings of ownership of Woodhouse Community Centre.