
Give Yourself... The Present 

Starting on Monday June 10th 12-2

The Present is a 6-week programme for women using simple bodywork from yoga and kung fu to help you feel safe and at ease in your own body. 

It's a safe space for women together to learn self defence, have confidential discussions, and learn gentle movement and breath work. 

Contact Lucy to register: lucy@oblongleeds.org.uk 0113 2459610. 
Part of Live Well Leeds. 


Headspace is a programme of 7 weekly sessions that will help you to deal with the tough times in life that happen to us all. Learn techniques for relaxation, coping with stress and positive thinking. Find your strengths, meet new people and get new perspectives.

Who is it for? Anyone who wants to build up their confidence and find better ways to deal with stress. Headspace isn’t therapy, it’s about trying out ideas for yourself and choosing the ones that work best for you. We've run courses for parents, job seekers, mental health service users, women's groups and community centres.

What will you get out of it? People who have gone on Headspace before have found it useful for increasing their confidence and finding new direction in life. It has helped some people to find employment or training, others have found better ways of dealing with difficulties with family or friends and others have started new hobbies, social activities or exercise.


The range of topics covered in a course are the following:

  • Peer Support
  • Stress & Relaxation
  • Resilience and Mental Health
  • Connection & Isolation
  • Relationships
  • Looking After Yourself
  • Keeping it Going

Please contact us at lucy@oblong.org.uk to book.

Limited capacity so book early! Call us on 0113 2459610 for more information